Cute Halloween Ghost
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Saturday, 29 October 2011

Some Pict To Be Share.

# FACT 1

# FACT 2

# FACT 3

# FACT 4
# Every time I listen to loud music, I keep thinking my parents are calling my name...
but ,they aren't ,for real... hahahx XD

# FACT 5 
 # This situation always happens to me ,almost every school days XD

# FACT 6
# Awesome Holiday ~

# FACT 7
# There must be someone for You to love and be loved :)


Tengok lah pict nih, so cute kan?
sumpahhh weyyy,,..BOSAN nya ! tadak keja yg nak dibuat, so nak share some pict ngn korang..Bole kan?.
#cakap lah 'BOLEH' !,itu pon nak kena ajar ?! [..gurau je weyyy..]
Jom view sama-sama~

Thursday, 20 October 2011

You're T.O.P in my Heart !

 You're the T.O.P of the Big Bang !Seriously ,this guy is so handsome.Just look at his eyes, style isn'it?
          He's the one of my favourite rappers [in korea band je lah..] Listen to his voice can make me in good mood :) Why dont you try to listen to his songs? Latest song : Don't Go Home .
          Just try once. If u wanna like it or not,.Its your matter.
#mood : Kpop-ing :)